SECTION 3: General Event Rules & Event Management
3.1 – WRCCA recognizes that some clubs may need to amend the WRCCA Rules to accommodate their terrain and group size at a local level. These rules changes shall be posted in event notifications, and clearly communicated to all competitors prior to competition. Multi-Club events that are Non-WRCCA Events are encouraged to run as strict WRCCA Rules as possible. All WRCCA Sanctioned Events are required to strictly follow WRCCA Rules. Any rules exception for sanctioned events must be pre-approved by the WRCCA. All major events shall have a minimum of three (3) Marshalls. These Marshals shall be announced at the drivers meeting before any courses are run. Marshals need to be in attendance for the duration of the event. Any rule changes necessary due to conditions specific to an event must be decided and voted upon by Event Marshals. Any questions on discrepancy of the rules or scoring shall only be handled and voted on by Event Marshals. All courses shall be inspected by all of the Event Marshals with the course designer prior to the start of the event. Courses may open after the Event Marshals have given approval.
– 3.1.1 – Any event in which a National Invite is awarded is deemed a Sanctioned Event. This includes major events, state championships, state crawl-offs, etc.
3.2 – Scores are ranked by the cumulative total of all course scores. Lowest total score wins.
– 3.2.1 – Finals course scores are added to total event scores. DNS (50 pts) is given to drivers that did not compete in the finals
3.3 – Tie Scores:
– 3.3.1 – Driver with the greater amount of perfect maximum negative point scores wins. If these are even, the count continues to next best negative scores and amount of them. And so on. If all courses are tied, drivers can proceed to one course shootout to define the winner of the competition.
– 3.3.2 – Optional: In the event of a tie score the competitor with the lowest time on all courses will be chosen the winner over the other competitor(s) with the same score.
3.4 – No Pre-running Courses: Drivers that pre-run a course will receive a DNS (50pt) for that course.
3.5 – Course Cut Off Time: Drivers must be in line to run a course before the set course closure time. Drivers who fail to do so will be scored a DNS (+50). Drivers may be permitted to run due to extraordinary circumstances at the head marshals discretion.
3.6 – Winching: (Other than that done to the suspension) or ramping of any kind is not allowed. Using any device (other than the tires) such as ramps or other objects to make progress in any direction is prohibited and will result in a DNF for that course.
3.7 – Multiple Class Vehicle: A vehicle may be run in more than one class at an event, So long as it meets class specs.
3.8 – Vehicle Exchange: Vehicles cannot be exchanged for another vehicle during the competition.
3.9 – Vehicle Sharing: Vehicle sharing is allowed. No more than two drivers can share the same vehicle. Drivers sharing a vehicle must notify event organizers during Tech Inspection or Check In. Event organizers or Marshals may make any changes to the running order of the drivers sharing a vehicle they deem necessary to avoid controversy.
3.10 – Changing Vehicle Specs (On Course): The vehicle must run a course entirely with the same wheelbase, track width, ride height, and tires it started that course with. Any changes to the vehicle (other than winching down the suspension or forced articulation) by the driver, another person, or any device, while on the course are prohibited. If any kind of modification is done to the vehicle on the course it will be defined as DNF (40pts) minus possible progresses that are achieved till that point.
3.11 – Changing Vehicle Specs (Off Course): Drivers may make changes to wheelbase, track width, ride height, and tires between course runs, as long as the vehicle remains within the specs for its class.
3.12 – Course Modification: No modification to the course is allowed by anyone. This includes, but not limited to, removing of rocks, stacking of rocks, purging a puddle of water, blowing/wiping dirt from rocks, removing vegetation, using objects (including driver’s body), or other types of modifications to a course that could gain a driver an advantage. If any kind of modification is done by the driver or their crew score will be defined as DNS (50pts).
3.13 – Event Rule Violation: Any violations of event rules are subject to automatic disqualification by judges, event organizers, or WRCCA. If violation of rules is severe and/or recurring the WRCCA reserves the right to ban the violator from competition for up to one year.
November 17, 2022