SECTION 1: Professional Scoring Penalties
1.1 – Points:
Reverse: 1 point
Gate Marker: 10 points
Rollover: 5 points
Boundary Marker: 10 points
Vehicle Touch (Repair & Repositions): 10 points
Course Direction: 10 points
1.2 – Back Up/ Reverse: (1 pt) Point is given when a vehicle reverses course after making forward progress. Reversing is defined as any of the tires moving in the reverse direction, whether engaged or in freewheel and/or whether intentional or not. Once a reverse penalty is given, no further reverse penalty can be given until the vehicle makes forward progress. No penalty is given if the backward movement occurs while the vehicle is in the rollover position. (See Sec. 6 Rollover Position) If a driver begins a course in reverse, a reverse penalty will occur immediately. (See Reverse examples and explanations Sec. 7)
1.3 – Rollover: (5 pts) Points are given when vehicles rollover, and cannot be corrected without touching. Once the vehicle has stopped it may be rolled over and the 5-point penalty shall be given. Vehicles that land back on their wheels are not penalized. No reverse penalties are given until the vehicle is up righted and back on all 4 tires. Drivers must execute a legal roll over recovery, or they will be given a reposition penalty. (See Sec. 6 Legal Rollover)
1.4 – Vehicle Reposition Touch: (10 pts) All vehicle touches excluding “Rollovers” (See Rollover rule, Sec 1) are given an automatic 10 points. The judge will stop time when the driver requests a vehicle touch or the judge calls a touch penalty. The vehicle is then moved by the driver to the previously cleared gate with the rear axle aligned to that gate. If the vehicle cannot be aligned to the gate due to course design, the judge will reposition the vehicle to the next stable location after the cleared gate. This location will be used for all drivers. Note: All gates for progress are still “live” unless a gate has already been deemed “dead”.
– 1.4.1 – Vehicle Touches: Include but are not limited to: repairs, repositions, and intentional touching of the rig by the driver. Touch penalty will occur if the driver interacts with intent to cause advantage or control a falling vehicle.
* Special considerations: Driver safety is most important and touch penalties should not accumulate from accidental interaction. When vehicle and driver make accidental contact, the judge or driver(s) assisting scoring shall stop time and determine if standard reposition should occur to prevent advantage, or if driver can continue without further interaction.
* Example 1: Vehicle falls and hits driver, coming to rest on the driver’s foot. Judges stop time, and call for a no-penalty reposition, as the driver could gain course advantage by continuing to drive over the foot. If the driver ignores reposition and drives over foot, it becomes an event rule violation of course modification and the driver is disqualified.
* Example 2: Driver stumbles and steps on vehicle. Judges stop time to ensure the driver has stable footing, and to assess vehicle position. No advantage is seen, so time starts and the driver resumes without reposition.
* Example 3: Vehicle falls and hits driver, coming to rest further downhill. Judges stop time and assess that no advantage was made from the fall, so time restarts and driver resumes.
– 1.4.2 – On Course Repairs: Must be completed on course and in the spot of which the driver decided to take the repair. Repairs must be made within the course time, while the course timer will continue to run. Once repairs are completed, the timer is stopped and the vehicle is repositioned to the previous gate cleared. If repairs cannot be made within the course time, the driver is given a DNF minus progress points for that course. There are no restrictions on whom or how the repairs are made.
– 1.4.3 – Off course repairs (Optional): A driver can call time to make an off-course repair at events where deemed acceptable. Repairs should be completed within 30 minutes, or the driver is given a DNF minus progress points. If the repair is made in the allotted time the driver must return to the last previous gate cleared. A 1 minute time penalty will be subtracted from the time that is left on that course, the timer will continue once the vehicle makes forward progress.
– 1.4.4 – Vehicle Out of Spec: If the Judge has reason to believe a vehicle is out of spec during a course run, he may call time to stop. At that point, no additional inputs may be given by the driver to the vehicle via touch or radio control. The Judge must mark the vehicle’s location and perform a tech inspection in the specified tech area (same manner as all other tech inspections). If the vehicle has been deemed within spec, the driver and vehicle will return to the location marked by the judge and the clock will start once again. If the vehicle is now out of spec and the Judge has determined that the vehicle has gained an advantage, the driver must take a repair (see rule 1.4.2 or 1.4.3 event organizers discretion) to correct the problem. If the problem cannot be corrected to bring the vehicle back within spec, the driver will receive a DNF for that course (see rule 1.8 ). If a vehicle falls out of spec due to breakage on course and the Judge determines the driver has not gained an advantage, then the driver may be allowed to continue on course without stopping time and requiring a tech inspection. Bodies are not included in this exception, and must be replaced immediately, standard repair procedures and penalties apply.
1.5 – Gate Marker (10 pts each): Each gate will be composed of 2 gate markers. Points are given when 4 wheels do not travel between gate markers or any part of the vehicle touches a gate marker. A gate marker will remain ”live” for the entire duration of the attempt on the course. Gate markers that are moved by anything other than the vehicle’s actions will be replaced immediately before the driver is allowed to continue. Once any gate marker has been touched by the vehicle, no more penalties will be given for that gate marker. Only when a gate penalty is assessed will that gate marker be deemed ”dead”. No further penalties will be assessed at this point for that gate marker. (See Gate Marker and Gate Clearing explanations, Sec. 7.)
1.6 – Boundary Marker (10 pts each): Points are given when any part of the vehicle touches a boundary marker. Once a boundary marker is touched the judge then will stop time, and the vehicle is then moved back by the driver to the previously cleared gate with the rear axle aligned to that gate. If the vehicle cannot be aligned to the gate due to course design, the judge will reposition the vehicle to the next stable location after the cleared gate. This location will be used for all drivers. A boundary marker will remain live (and will be replaced immediately if moved.) for the entire duration of the attempt on the course, and if they are moved out of position they will be replaced immediately before the driver is allowed to continue. Boundary markers are not required in the design of a course.
1.7 – Maximum Penalty Points:
– 1.7.1 – The maximum points per course is 40 (Optional). At that time, the driver is given a DNF and the run is complete and the vehicle should be removed from the course.
– 1.7.2 – The maximum points per gate is 20. (Optional) Once a driver has reached the maximum of 20- penalty points for that gate they will be placed with the rear axle aligned to that gate’s exit. If the vehicle cannot be aligned to the gate due to course design, the judge will reposition the vehicle to the next stable location after the cleared gate. No progress points are given for the gates not cleared.
1.8 – DNF (Did Not Finish) (40 pts): Are given anytime a driver cannot complete a course for any reason. (Time expired, Point-Out, Vehicle not Repairable, etc) Progress points are awarded for each gate completed.
1.9 – DNS (Did Not Start) (50 pts): Are given anytime a driver cannot start a course for any reason. Vehicle must start the course under its own power.
1.10 – Gate Progression (-2 progress point): Shall be awarded to drivers for each gate after it has been cleared during the attempt of a course. All gate penalties are assessed and given before a progress bonus is awarded. Progress is awarded when during the same attempt and in the intended course direction at least one front and one rear tire passes completely through the gate. To receive the progress bonus without a gate penalty, all four tires must pass completely through the gate during the same attempt and in the intended course direction (See Illustration A). Progress points are deducted from the total course score. Once a driver has pointed out, no further Progress points will be awarded. (See 1.5 for examples of Gate Penalties.)

Illustration A
1.11 – Timer Pause: A driver may call for time to stop so that he or she may safely reposition themselves on the course. This time shall be used for the purpose of driver safety and may not be used to survey the course or for any other advantage, the judge has the right to restart time at any point. Most typically, the timer will resume when the competitor resumes driving or touches his or her car (for a roll over). A judge may also call a stop of time to reposition themselves to make a more accurate call on a penalty, drivers may also request a stop of time for this same reason. Example: “Stop time., Hey Judge I’m going to approach this gate from this direction and want to make sure you have a good view of my car, do you want to reposition?”
1.12 – Course Direction (10 pts): Gates must be cleared in their intended direction and sequence. If the vehicle progresses an un-cleared gate in the wrong direction, or out of sequence will result in a 10-point penalty and the judge will stop time. (Progress is at least one front and one rear tire needs to be completely through the gate). The vehicle is then moved back by the driver to the previously cleared gate with the rear axle aligned to that gate. If the vehicle cannot be aligned to the gate due to course design, the judge will reposition the vehicle to the next stable location after the cleared gate. This location will be used for all drivers. Once progress is awarded for a specific gate, it can be passed through in any sequence or direction.
November 17, 2022